Education and teaching

Education is an important part of IGFs mission. The institute has participated in a variety of training and teaching activities at universities, other institutes and working groups across Germany.

Among these are:

  • Teaching aquatic ecology at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt for the master’s program landscape architecture, gardening and landscaping
  • Courses on the Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Biology for the Goethe Graduate Academy of the Goethe University Frankfurt / Main
  • Lecture series for fishing associations and other unions on the topics of general aquatic ecology and biology, and  ecology of fish and aquatic invertebrates
  • Workshop on “fish passages” for planning, construction and subsequent inspection of fish passages, conducted with cooperation partner & organizer “Institute for Water Management and Ecology – IWSÖ”
  • Supervision and implementation of the practical section from the presence phase of the continuing education course “Water and Environment” (Course WW 46) from Bauhaus University Weimar
  • Seminars on aquatic ecology and biology of aquatic organisms for the educational group of the “Thuringian Species Conservation Working Group”
  • Further training events for the DWA in the context of “river neighborhoods”

Photo: IGF. Outdoor excursion with students, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt 2018

FÖJ and volunteers at the IGF

An important component of the team are the volunteers and the FÖJs (german ecological year volunteers).

We are happy to integrate trainees and volunteers in our work at IGF. We are pleased to offer to interested young people insight into our work. As a member of our team, you can acquire additional knowledge and skills, while getting regularly fresh air outdoors. The trainees and volunteers also make an important contribution to the success of the work of the IGF.

Thank you for your time and commitment to the IGF.

Adrian, Adrian S., Agnes, Daniel, Dennis, Felix, Karoline, Johanna, Jonas, Joshua, Sebastian, Annemie, Jacob, Lena, Lisa, Luke, Sophie, Sarah, Valentin, Victoria, Vincenz and many others!