After 5 years of project duration, the fruits of the hard work in the RETERO research project together with colleagues from the University of Magdeburg, the Technical University of Dresden, SJE GmbH and Taltech can now be harvested. There is great interest in the project and the results, both in the scientific community and in the media. The five cooperation partners are traveling a lot, including at the FreeFlow Conference 2024 in Groningen (Netherlands) and the Fish Passage Conference 2024 in Quebec (Canada), to present the research results and “promote” the use of the newly developed, animal-free methods in the evaluation of harm to fish during turbine and pump passage. The IGF Jena places particular emphasis on the new findings on fish behavior in the intakes of turbomachinery. The newly acquired knowledge will not only be used to implement behavioral rules in alternative methods such as agent-based models and autonomous probes, but also to improve protective measures.
Two recent radio broadcasts on the RETERO project are available under the following links:
1. Deutschlandfunk – Forschung aktuell „Todesfalle Wasserkraftwerk: Tierversuche mithilfe von Roboterfischen vermeiden“, 08. May 2024, 16:48. Click here for the report.
2. SWR – SWR Wissen „Roboterfische sollen Tierversuche mit echten Fischen ersetzen“, 16. May 2024, 15:45. Click here for the report.